Being a teacher is an extremely challenging job. You spend so much time with these kids over the years you really get attached to them. A lot of them don’t graduate until after they turn eighteen so it’s always tricky not to cross lines. Some kids feel like once they have that magical birthday they no longer have to listen to you and they can do whatever they want.
There have been several occasions where I’ve had female students become adults before graduation and then they want to get it on. It’s a slippery slope and I know it’s wrong, but sometimes I just can’t say no. I’ve never gotten caught and no one has ever told their parents so that’s good.
Right now you can get 49% off or more with a Teacher Fucks Teens discount and see why it’s so difficult to say no. These little sluts are willing to do whatever you ask of them. They’ll eagerly crawl under your desk and suck you off or let you bend them over it and fuck the shit out of them.